Go Wiki:Frozen
冻结软件包主要面向软件包的开发人员和贡献者,而不是用户。这并不意味着该软件包不应被使用。为此,请参阅 “已弃用”惯例。
// The syslog package is frozen and is not accepting new features.
// Some external packages provide more functionality. See:
// https://pkg.go.dev/search?q=syslog
// The smtp package is frozen and is not accepting new features.
// Some external packages provide more functionality. See:
// https://pkg.go.dev/search?q=smtp
// The net/rpc package is frozen and is not accepting new features.
// The testing/quick package is frozen and is not accepting new features.
// The text/tabwriter package is frozen and is not accepting new features.
此内容是 Go Wiki 的一部分。