Go 博客
两篇最新的 Go 文章
在今天的博客文章中,我想重点介绍几篇关于 Go 的最新文章。
Go 在 Google
去年 10 月,Rob Pike 在图森举行的 ACM SPLASH 会议上发表了主题演讲。这场名为 Go 在 Google 的演讲,全面讨论了 Go 背后的动机。Rob 后来扩充了他的演讲,写了一篇名为 Go 在 Google:服务于软件工程的语言设计 的文章。以下是摘要
The Go programming language was conceived in late 2007 as an
answer to some of the problems we were seeing developing
software infrastructure at Google. The computing landscape
today is almost unrelated to the environment in which the
languages being used, mostly C++, Java, and Python, had been
created. The problems introduced by multicore processors,
networked systems, massive computation clusters, and the web
programming model were being worked around rather than
addressed head-on. Moreover, the scale has changed: today's
server programs comprise tens of millions of lines of code,
are worked on by hundreds or even thousands of programmers,
and are updated literally every day. To make matters worse,
build times, even on large compilation clusters, have
stretched to many minutes, even hours.
Go was designed and developed to make working in this
environment more productive. Besides its better-known
aspects such as built-in concurrency and garbage collection,
Go's design considerations include rigorous dependency
management, the adaptability of software architecture as
systems grow, and robustness across the boundaries between
本文解释了在构建一种高效的编译型编程语言时如何解决这些问题,这种语言感觉轻量级且令人愉快。示例和解释将来自 Google 面临的现实世界问题。
如果您想知道 Go 背后的设计决策,您可能会在 这篇文章 中找到答案。对于新手和经验丰富的 Go 程序员来说,这都是值得一读的。
Go 在 Google 开发者学院
在 2012 年的 Google I/O 大会上,Google 开发者团队 推出 了 Google 开发者学院,这是一个提供 Google 技术培训资料的项目。Go 是这些技术之一,我们很高兴地宣布第一篇以 Go 为中心的 GDA 文章
Go、App Engine 和 Google+ API 入门 介绍了如何在 Go 中编写 Web 应用程序。它演示了如何构建和部署 App Engine 应用程序,以及如何使用 Google API Go 客户端调用 Google+ API。对于希望开始使用 Google 开发者生态系统的 Go 程序员来说,这是一个很好的起点。