Go 博客

Go 2016 年用户调查结果

Steve Francia,代表 Go 团队
2017 年 3 月 6 日


这篇文章总结了我们 2016 年 12 月用户调查的结果,以及我们的评论和见解。我们感谢所有通过调查提供反馈的人,帮助塑造 Go 的未来。


在 3595 名调查受访者中,89% 的人表示他们在工作或工作之余使用 Go 编程,其中 39% 的人在家和工作中都使用 Go,27% 的人只在家中使用 Go,23% 的人只在工作中使用 Go。

我们询问了人们工作的领域。63% 的人表示他们在从事 Web 开发工作,但只有 9% 的人仅列出了 Web 开发。事实上,77% 的人选择了两个或两个以上领域,53% 的人选择了三个或三个以上领域。

我们还询问了人们用 Go 编写的程序类型。63% 的受访者编写命令行程序,60% 的受访者编写 API 或 RPC 服务,52% 的受访者编写 Web 服务。与上一个问题类似,大多数人做了多个选择,其中 85% 的人选择了两个或两个以上,72% 的人选择了三个或三个以上。

我们询问了人们在编程语言方面的专业知识和偏好。不出所料,Go 在受访者在专业知识 (26%) 和偏好 (62%) 方面的首选语言中排名最高。在排除 Go 之后,语言专业知识的前五名首选语言为 Python (18%)、Java (17%)、JavaScript (13%)、C (11%) 和 PHP (8%);语言偏好的前五名首选语言为 Python (22%)、JavaScript (10%)、C (9%)、Java (9%) 和 Ruby (7%)。Go 显然吸引了许多来自动态语言的程序员。

The following apply to me: (multiple choice) 2,386 (66%) I program in Go outside of work 2,235 (62%) I program at work in Go 2,004 (56%) I program at work in another language 618 (17%) I manage a programming team 337  (9%) I am a student 78  (2%) Other 10  (0%) No response

数据解读:这个问题是“多选题”,因此百分比加起来远超 100%。本文中的所有图表都显示了总数以及 3595 份已完成调查的相应百分比。

I work in the following areas: (multiple choice) 2,272 (63%) Web development 1,359 (38%) Systems programming 1,251 (35%) DevOps 1,169 (33%) Network programming 1,006 (28%) Databases 533 (15%) Mobile 490 (14%) Desktop/GUI applications 457 (13%) Security 435 (12%) Data Science 417 (12%) Finance/Commerce 394 (11%) Embedded devices/Internet of Things 379 (11%) Academic/Scientific/Numeric 228  (6%) Gaming 238  (7%) Other 74  (2%) No response

I've used Go for: (single choice) 432 (12%) Less than 3 months 1,009 (28%) 3 - 12 months 829 (23%) 13 - 24 months 903 (25%) 2 - 4 years 321  (9%) 4+ years 77  (2%) I've never used Go 24  (1%) No response

I write the following in Go: (multiple choice) 2,247 (63%) A runnable/interactive program (CLI) 2,174 (60%) API/RPC services (returning non-HTML) 1,886 (52%) Web services (returning HTML) 1,583 (44%) Agents and daemons (e.g, monitoring) 1,417 (39%) Libraries or Frameworks 1,209 (34%) Data processing (pipeline, aggregation) 1,120 (31%) Automation/scripts (e.g, deployment, configuration management) 107  (3%) I don't write in Go 137  (4%) Other 45  (1%) No response

I write in Go: (single choice) 1,567 (44%) As part of my daily routine 1,054 (29%) Weekly 486 (14%) Infrequently 368 (10%) Monthly 77  (2%) I've never written in Go 43  (1%) No response

Rank the following languages in terms of your expertise: (ordered choice, up to 5) 3,111 (26, 26, 19, 10, 5%) Go 2,048 (8, 15, 14, 11, 8%) JavaScript 1,896 (12, 12, 10, 10, 7%) Python 1,618 (13, 8, 8, 8, 8%) Java 1,512 (8, 8, 9, 9, 7%) C 1,064 (2, 4, 7, 8, 8%) Bash 1,039 (5, 5, 7, 6, 6%) C++ 830 (6, 4, 4, 5, 4%) PHP 668 (5, 4, 3, 4, 3%) Ruby 622 (5, 3, 3, 4, 3%) C# 294 (2, 1, 2, 2, 2%) Perl 184 (1, 1, 1, 1, 1%) Scala 156 (0, 0, 1, 1, 2%) Rust 142 (0, 0, 1, 1, 1%) Lua 136 (0, 0, 0, 1, 2%) Haskell 94 (0, 0, 0, 1, 1%) R 93 (0, 0, 0, 1, 1%) Clojure 72 (0, 0, 0, 0, 1%) Erlang 18 (0, 0, 0, 0, 0%) Julia 499 (2, 3, 3, 3, 3%) Other 134 (3.7%) No response


Rank the following languages in terms of your preference: (ordered choice, up to 5) 3,248 (62, 19, 6, 2, 1%) Go 1,796 (7, 17, 12, 9, 5%) Python 1,482 (3, 9, 13, 10, 8%) JavaScript 1,235 (2, 8, 9, 9, 6%) C 1,167 (3, 7, 8, 7, 7%) Java 809 (2, 4, 6, 6, 5%) C++ 647 (1, 3, 5, 5, 5%) Bash 563 (3, 5, 4, 3, 2%) Ruby 557 (2, 4, 4, 3, 2%) C# 475 (2, 4, 3, 3, 2%) Rust 449 (1, 2, 3, 3, 3%) PHP 278 (1, 2, 2, 2, 1%) Haskell 215 (1, 1, 1, 1, 1%) Perl 214 (1, 1, 1, 1, 1%) Scala 178 (0, 1, 2, 2, 1%) Lua 168 (0, 1, 1, 1, 1%) Erlang 156 (1, 1, 1, 1, 1%) Clojure 79 (0, 0, 0, 1, 1%) R 43 (0, 0, 0, 0, 0%) Julia 507 (3, 4, 4, 2, 1%) Other 166 (4.6%) No response

Go 使用情况

用户对 Go 普遍感到满意:他们同意以 19:1 的比例向他人推荐 Go,他们更愿意在下一个项目中使用 Go (14:1),并且 Go 对他们的团队运作良好 (18:1)。较少的用户认为 Go 对其公司的成功至关重要 (2.5:1)。

当被问及他们最喜欢 Go 的哪些方面时,用户最常提到 Go 的简洁性、易用性、并发特性和性能。当被问及哪些更改可以最大程度地改进 Go 时,用户最常提到泛型、软件包版本控制和依赖项管理。其他受欢迎的回复包括 GUI、调试和错误处理。

当被问及他们个人使用 Go 时面临的最大挑战时,用户提到了前面问题中建议的许多技术更改。非技术挑战中最常见的主题是说服其他人使用 Go 以及向他人(包括管理层)传达 Go 的价值。另一个常见主题是学习 Go 或帮助他人学习,包括查找文档(如入门指南、教程、示例和最佳实践)。



“我想在工作中使用 Go,但我很难说服我的团队尝试 Go。”

“我无法获得管理层的批准来使用 Go;他们没有看到它的价值,并且担心采用和寻找开发人员。”

我们感谢用户提供的反馈,以识别用户和社区面临的这些挑战。在 2017 年,我们将专注于解决这些问题,并希望尽可能地做出重大改进。我们欢迎社区提供建议和贡献,将这些挑战转变为 Go 的优势。

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: (strongly disagree, disagree, somewhat disagree, neutral, somewhat agree, agree, strongly agree) 3,250 (2, 1, 1, 2, 5, 21, 57%) I would recommend using Go to others (19:1) 3,219 (3, 1, 2, 4, 8, 19, 52%) I would prefer to use Go for my next new project (14:1) 2,325 (1, 1, 1, 7, 8, 25, 22%) Go is working well for my team. (18:1) 2,336 (4, 7, 3, 14, 12, 12, 12%) Go is critical to my company's success. (2.5:1)

数据解读:这个问题询问受访者对该陈述的同意或不同意程度。每个陈述的回复都显示为单个条形的一部分,从左侧深红色的“强烈不同意”到右侧深蓝色的“强烈同意”。条形使用与其他图表相同的比例,因此由于回复不足,它们的总长度可能会(并且确实会,尤其是在调查的后期)有所不同。文本后的比率比较了同意(包括“有点同意”和“强烈同意”)的受访者人数与不同意(包括“有点不同意”和“强烈不同意”)的受访者人数。例如,同意推荐 Go 的受访者与不同意的受访者之比为 19 比 1。

What do you like most about Go? 595 (17%) simplicity 543 (15%) easy 523 (15%) concurrency 495 (14%) simple 454 (13%) fast 293  (8%) syntax 287  (8%) standard library 286  (8%) tooling 270  (8%) static 266  (7%) performance 235  (7%) speed 202  (6%) interfaces 184  (5%) channels 183  (5%) community 180  (5%) good 177  (5%) compilation 177  (5%) goroutines 167  (5%) binary 156  (4%) great 148  (4%) tools 146  (4%) compiled 137  (4%) compile 127  (4%) type 124  (3%) small 118  (3%) c 114  (3%) gofmt 114  (3%) libraries 88  (2%) clean 87  (2%) easy to learn 82  (2%) deployment 78  (2%) memory 78  (2%) strong 76  (2%) concise 76  (2%) single binary 73  (2%) low 73  (2%) static typing 71  (2%) build 68  (2%) easy to read 63  (2%) fast compilation 56  (2%) simple syntax 55  (2%) type system 54  (2%) simple language 51  (1%) easy concurrency 47  (1%) static binaries 46  (1%) go fmt 45  (1%) fast compile 43  (1%) small language 41  (1%) error handling 39  (1%) concurrency model 39  (1%) go routines 38  (1%) easy to use 38  (1%) statically typed 36  (1%) cross platform 35  (1%) concurrency primitives 35  (1%) goroutines channels 33  (1%) easy to write 27  (1%) great standard library 23  (1%) ease of use 940 (26%) No response

数据解读:这个问题要求填写答案。上面的条形显示了调查中提及常用词语或短语的比例。仅列出出现在 20 份或更多调查中的词语或短语,并且省略了“the”或“to be”等无意义的常用词语或短语。显示的结果确实存在重叠:例如,提到“标准库”的 287 份回复确实包含了单独列出的 27 份提到“很棒的标准库”的回复。但是,几乎或完全冗余的较短条目被省略了:没有 20 份或更多调查列出了“标准”而没有提到“标准库”,因此没有单独列出“标准”。

What changes would improve Go most? 572 (16%) generics 451 (13%) management 330  (9%) dependency 314  (9%) package 266  (7%) dependency management 164  (5%) library 159  (4%) gui 134  (4%) package management 134  (4%) vendoring 128  (4%) debugger 126  (4%) libraries 122  (3%) standard 117  (3%) type 109  (3%) error 94  (3%) system 89  (2%) types 88  (2%) official 85  (2%) tools 84  (2%) c 82  (2%) gopath 78  (2%) performance 70  (2%) error handling 70  (2%) ide 69  (2%) package manager 66  (2%) documentation 66  (2%) faster 64  (2%) good 63  (2%) simple 63  (2%) tool 62  (2%) mobile 60  (2%) debugging 57  (2%) build 56  (2%) packages 55  (2%) easier 55  (2%) standard library 55  (2%) tooling 54  (2%) interface 51  (1%) dependencies 51  (1%) generic 48  (1%) programming 48  (1%) versioning 47  (1%) syntax 45  (1%) compile 45  (1%) solution 44  (1%) framework 43  (1%) examples 43  (1%) gc 43  (1%) type system 42  (1%) gui library 41  (1%) templates 40  (1%) android 40  (1%) community 40  (1%) function 40  (1%) native 40  (1%) ui 40  (1%) web 39  (1%) functions 21  (1%) cross platform 1,215 (34%) No response

What is the biggest challenge you personally face using Go today? 249 (6.9%) lack 206 (5.7%) management 146 (4.1%) libraries 129 (3.6%) generics 127 (3.5%) dependency management 84 (2.3%) work 78 (2.2%) package 76 (2.1%) hard 68 (1.9%) time 67 (1.9%) good 67 (1.9%) java 66 (1.8%) gui 61 (1.7%) web 60 (1.7%) c 60 (1.7%) debugging 59 (1.6%) vendoring 58 (1.6%) projects 56 (1.6%) lack of generics 56 (1.6%) library 51 (1.4%) type 51 (1.4%) write 50 (1.4%) finding 49 (1.4%) ide 49 (1.4%) packages 48 (1.3%) dependencies 46 (1.3%) package management 45 (1.3%) debugger 44 (1.2%) adoption 42 (1.2%) people 41 (1.1%) learning 41 (1.1%) team 40 (1.1%) convincing 40 (1.1%) tools 39 (1.1%) error handling 39 (1.1%) interfaces 39 (1.1%) other languages 39 (1.1%) writing 38 (1.1%) interface 38 (1.1%) others 37 (1.0%) python 35 (1.0%) find 35 (1.0%) gopath 35 (1.0%) programming 34 (0.9%) can't 34 (0.9%) standard 33 (0.9%) build 33 (0.9%) tooling 32 (0.9%) generic 31 (0.9%) boilerplate 30 (0.8%) applications 30 (0.8%) developers 30 (0.8%) having 30 (0.8%) types 30 (0.8%) working 26 (0.7%) at work 26 (0.7%) using go 22 (0.6%) no generics 20 (0.6%) not enough 1,581 (44.0%) No response

If it were not for the following reasons I would use Go more: (ordered choice, up to 3) 1,485 (24, 14, 4%) I work on an existing project written in another language 1,160 (16, 12, 4%) My project / team / TL prefers another language 841 (11, 8, 5%) Go isn’t an appropriate fit for what I’m working on (eg. iOS, JS) 596 (6, 6, 4%) Go lacks critical libraries 412 (6, 3, 2%) Go lacks critical features 319 (3, 3, 3%) Not enough education or support resources for Go 121 (1, 1, 1%) Go lacks critical performance 374 (4, 3, 3%) Other 1,042 (29%) No response

If you desire, please elaborate on your reasons above. 58 (1.6%) c 58 (1.6%) java 58 (1.6%) libraries 50 (1.4%) python 47 (1.3%) web 45 (1.3%) generics 45 (1.3%) work 40 (1.1%) projects 34 (0.9%) languages 33 (0.9%) hard 32 (0.9%) lack 32 (0.9%) team 31 (0.9%) library 31 (0.9%) people 29 (0.8%) gui 25 (0.7%) good 25 (0.7%) performance 24 (0.7%) mobile 24 (0.7%) written 23 (0.6%) programming 23 (0.6%) time 22 (0.6%) golang 20 (0.6%) company 20 (0.6%) existing 20 (0.6%) great 20 (0.6%) php 20 (0.6%) tools 3,033 (84.4%) No response


当被问及他们在哪个操作系统上开发 Go 时,63% 的受访者表示他们使用 Linux,44% 的人使用 MacOS,19% 的人使用 Windows,允许选择多个选项,49% 的受访者在多个系统上进行开发。选择单个系统的 51% 的回复分为在 Linux 上的 29%、在 MacOS 上的 17%、在 Windows 上的 5% 和在其他系统上的 0.2%。

Go 的部署大致平均地分布在私有管理的服务器和托管的云服务器之间。

I primarily develop Go on: (multiple choice) 2,263 (63%) Linux 1,592 (44%) MacOS 682 (19%) Windows 82  (2%) Other 434 (12%) No response

My preferred code editor: (ordered choice, up to 2) 1,359 (25, 13%) Vim 814 (14, 9%) VSCode 676 (10, 9%) Atom 687 (13, 6%) IntelliJ 655 (10, 8%) Sublime Text 305 (6, 2%) Emacs 137 (2, 2%) Visual Studio 153 (3, 2%) LiteIDE 99 (1, 2%) Eclipse 37 (1, 1%) Acme 238 (4, 3%) Other 425 (12%) No response

How satisfied are you with Go support in your preferred editor: (single choice) 69 (1.9%) Very Dissatisfied 52 (1.4%) Dissatisfied 164 (4.6%) Somewhat Dissatisfied 134 (3.7%) Neither Satisfied or Unsatisfied 609 (16.9%) Somewhat Satisfied 1,258 (35.0%) Satisfied 838 (23.3%) Very Satisfied 471 (13.1%) No response

What one addition would make the biggest improvement to Go editing in your preferred editor? 180 (5.0%) debugging 136 (3.8%) debugger 116 (3.2%) refactoring 79 (2.2%) integration 72 (2.0%) tools 68 (1.9%) completion 58 (1.6%) editor 46 (1.3%) debug 43 (1.2%) code completion 43 (1.2%) work 41 (1.1%) vim 40 (1.1%) autocomplete 40 (1.1%) vscode 37 (1.0%) package 37 (1.0%) plugin 36 (1.0%) definition 36 (1.0%) easier 36 (1.0%) good 36 (1.0%) ide 36 (1.0%) intellij 35 (1.0%) faster 35 (1.0%) function 34 (0.9%) atom 34 (0.9%) interface 33 (0.9%) vim-go 32 (0.9%) gopath 31 (0.9%) integrated 30 (0.8%) working 29 (0.8%) auto 28 (0.8%) refactoring support 27 (0.8%) delve 27 (0.8%) type 26 (0.7%) guru 26 (0.7%) syntax 25 (0.7%) error 25 (0.7%) method 25 (0.7%) packages 25 (0.7%) plugins 24 (0.7%) compile 24 (0.7%) jump 23 (0.6%) features 23 (0.6%) find 23 (0.6%) goimports 23 (0.6%) navigation 23 (0.6%) performance 23 (0.6%) refactoring tools 23 (0.6%) works 22 (0.6%) autocompletion 22 (0.6%) debugging support 22 (0.6%) errors 22 (0.6%) gofmt 22 (0.6%) run 21 (0.6%) highlighting 21 (0.6%) save 21 (0.6%) setup 21 (0.6%) visual 20 (0.6%) documentation 20 (0.6%) great 2,291 (63.7%) No response

My team deploys Go/non-Go programs to: (multiple choice) 1,489 (41%) Self/Company Owned Servers (Go) 1,714 (48%) (non-Go) 928 (26%) AWS EC2 1,122 (31%) 503 (14%) None 249  (7%) 412 (11%) Digital Ocean 360 (10%) 292  (8%) AWS Container 343 (10%) 221  (6%) Google Compute Engine 186  (5%) 188  (5%) Google App Engine 94  (3%) 161  (4%) Google Container Engine (GKE) 115  (3%) 121  (3%) Heroku 185  (5%) 114  (3%) Microsoft Azure 210  (6%) 104  (3%) Linode 100  (3%) 94  (3%) AWS Lambda 233  (6%) 301  (8%) Other 297  (8%) 639 (18%) No response 660 (18%)


我们询问了人们对关于 Go 的各种陈述的同意或不同意程度。用户最同意 Go 的性能满足他们的需求(同意与不同意的比率为 57:1),他们能够快速找到问题的答案 (20:1),并且他们能够有效地使用 Go 的并发特性 (14:1)。另一方面,用户最不同意他们能够有效地调试 Go 并发特性的用法 (2.7:1)。

用户大多同意他们能够快速找到所需的库 (7.5:1)。当被问及哪些库仍然缺失时,迄今为止最常见的请求是用于编写 GUI 的库。另一个受欢迎的主题是围绕数据处理、分析以及数值和科学计算的请求。

在 30% 建议改进 Go 文档的用户中,迄今为止最常见的建议是提供更多示例。

Go 新闻的主要来源是 Go 博客、Reddit 的 /r/golang 和 Twitter;这里可能存在一些偏差,因为这些也是调查发布的方式。

查找 Go 问题的答案的主要来源是 Go 网站、Stack Overflow 和直接阅读源代码。

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: (strongly disagree, disagree, somewhat disagree, neutral, somewhat agree, agree, strongly agree) 3,094 (1, 2, 5, 6, 27, 32, 12%) I have a good understanding of Go best practices. (9.6:1) 3,083 (0, 1, 3, 4, 17, 41, 20%) I am able to quickly find answers to my questions. (20:1) 3,053 (0, 0, 1, 2, 7, 32, 42%) Go's performance meets my needs. (57:1) 2,523 (1, 3, 5, 14, 15, 26, 8%) Go's support for language interoperability meets my needs. (6.0:1) 3,049 (1, 2, 6, 7, 24, 34, 11%) I am able to quickly find libraries that I need. (7.5:1) 3,083 (1, 2, 4, 5, 18, 37, 20%) Go language, library, and tool documentation meet my needs. (11:1)

What Go libraries do you need that aren't available today? 208 (5.8%) gui 144 (4.0%) library 121 (3.4%) libraries 63 (1.8%) native 60 (1.7%) ui 53 (1.5%) good 33 (0.9%) orm 33 (0.9%) standard 33 (0.9%) web 32 (0.9%) framework 32 (0.9%) gui library 31 (0.9%) mobile 28 (0.8%) android 28 (0.8%) database 28 (0.8%) desktop 28 (0.8%) libs 28 (0.8%) sql 26 (0.7%) cross platform 25 (0.7%) processing 25 (0.7%) xml 24 (0.7%) api 24 (0.7%) machine learning 24 (0.7%) official 24 (0.7%) windows 23 (0.6%) soap 22 (0.6%) toolkit 21 (0.6%) pdf 21 (0.6%) python 20 (0.6%) bindings 20 (0.6%) graphics 20 (0.6%) package 2,498 (69.5%) No response

What changes would most improve the Go documentation? 512 (14%) examples 300  (8%) more examples 134  (4%) documentation 69  (2%) example 62  (2%) docs 49  (1%) godoc 34  (1%) usage 32  (1%) functions 32  (1%) package 31  (1%) good 29  (1%) function 29  (1%) great 29  (1%) packages 29  (1%) search 28  (1%) cases 26  (1%) best practices 26  (1%) libraries 23  (1%) doc 23  (1%) more example 22  (1%) code examples 21  (1%) syntax 20  (1%) interface 2,532 (70%) No response

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: (strongly disagree, disagree, somewhat disagree, neutral, somewhat agree, agree, strongly agree) 3,002 (1, 2, 6, 7, 23, 34, 11%) I am able to effectively diagnose bugs in my Go programs. (7.2:1) 2,725 (1, 2, 6, 13, 22, 24, 7%) I am able to effectively diagnose performance issues in my Go programs. (5.8:1) 2,932 (1, 2, 3, 5, 17, 33, 22%) I am able to effectively use Go's concurrency features (goroutines, channels, select). (14:1) 2,801 (2, 5, 11, 14, 23, 18, 5%) I am able to effectively debug uses of Go's concurrency features (goroutines, channels, select). (2.7:1)

Rank the following in terms of where you get Go answers from: (ordered choice, up to 5) 2,226 (23, 18, 12, 7, 3%) Stack Overflow 2,101 (30, 15, 8, 4, 1%) golang.org 1,814 (13, 17, 12, 7, 2%) Reading source code (e.g., standard library, open-source packages) 1,200 (3, 8, 12, 7, 4%) GitHub 854 (3, 7, 7, 5, 3%) golang-nuts mailing list (groups.google.com/d/forum/golang-nuts) 682 (2, 3, 5, 5, 3%) Reddit (r/golang) 630 (3, 4, 5, 3, 2%) Coworkers 334 (2, 2, 2, 2, 2%) Gopher Slack (invite.slack.golangbridge.org) 214 (1, 1, 2, 1, 1%) Friends 161 (0, 0, 1, 1, 1%) Twitter 156 (1, 1, 1, 1, 0%) IRC 126 (0, 1, 1, 1, 1%) Go Forum (forum.golangbridge.org) 262 (2, 2, 1, 1, 1%) Other 643 (18%) No response

Rank the following in terms of where you get Go news from: (ordered choice, up to 5) 1,659 (17, 14, 9, 4, 2%) blog.Golang.org 1,153 (17, 8, 4, 2, 1%) Reddit (r/golang) 1,053 (14, 8, 4, 3, 1%) Twitter 903 (6, 8, 6, 3, 1%) Hacker News 777 (9, 6, 4, 2, 0%) Golangweekly.com 633 (2, 6, 5, 4, 1%) Community Blogs 430 (2, 3, 4, 2, 1%) GitHub 418 (3, 3, 3, 2, 1%) golang-nuts mailing list (groups.google.com/d/forum/golang-nuts) 394 (3, 3, 3, 1, 1%) Coworkers 212 (1, 1, 2, 1, 1%) Gopher Slack (invite.slack.golangbridge.org) 203 (1, 2, 1, 1, 1%) Golangnews.com 199 (1, 2, 1, 1, 1%) golang-announce (groups.google.com/d/forum/golang-announce) 176 (1, 1, 1, 1, 1%) Go Time podcast 65 (0, 0, 0, 1, 0%) Go Forum (forum.golangbridge.org) 42 (0, 0, 0, 0, 0%) Facebook 160 (1, 1, 1, 0, 0%) Other 747 (21%) No response

I have attended: (multiple choice) 1,315 (37%) None 879 (24%) A Go meetup 523 (15%) A Go themed conference (GopherCon, GothamGo, etc) 276  (8%) A Go remote meetup / online event 186  (5%) Go training 165  (5%) A technical conference for it's Go content 43  (1%) A GoBridge event 37  (1%) A Women Who Go event 65  (2%) Other 993 (28%) No response

Go 项目

55% 的受访者表示有兴趣以某种方式为 Go 社区和项目做出贡献。不幸的是,相对较少的人认为他们受到欢迎这样做 (3.3:1),甚至更少的人认为该过程很清晰 (1.3:1)。在 2017 年,我们打算改进贡献过程,并继续努力让所有贡献者感到受欢迎。

受访者同意他们对 Go 项目的领导层有信心 (9:1),但他们不太同意项目领导层了解他们的需求 (2.6:1),他们甚至更不同意他们觉得可以轻松地向项目领导层提出问题和反馈 (2.2:1)。事实上,这些是调查中唯一超过一半的受访者没有选择“有点同意”、“同意”或“强烈同意”的问题(许多人保持中立或没有回答)。

我们希望调查和这篇博文能够传达给那些不习惯伸出援手的人,Go 项目领导层正在倾听。在整个 2017 年,我们将探索新的方法与用户互动,以更好地了解他们的需求。

I contribute to open source projects written in Go: (single choice) 1,227 (34%) Infrequently 890 (25%) Never 345 (10%) Monthly 295  (8%) Weekly 234  (7%) As part of my daily routine 604 (17%) No response

I have contributed or am interested in contributing in the following ways to the Go community and Projects: (multiple choice) 892 (25%) Standard library 663 (18%) Tools (go guru, go vet, go doc, etc) 602 (17%) Tutorials 560 (16%) Documentation 557 (15%) Community support via Stack Overflow, Slack, mailing list, etc 472 (13%) Community involvement (workgroups, meetup attendance) 440 (12%) Being a technical mentor 374 (10%) Toolchain (compiler, linker, etc) 275  (8%) Go Project maintenance (issue triage) 246  (7%) Event planning (meetup, conference, etc) 236  (7%) Language translation 165  (5%) General UX & Design contributions 154  (4%) golang.org website (code, UX, IA, content, etc) 92  (3%) Other 1,621 (45%) No response

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: (strongly disagree, disagree, somewhat disagree, neutral, somewhat agree, agree, strongly agree) 2,091 (1, 3, 5, 19, 10, 14, 6%) I feel welcome to contribute to Go (compiler, standard library, documentation, website) (3.3:1) 2,168 (3, 7, 9, 16, 10, 11, 4%) The process of contributing to the Go project is clear to me (1.3:1) 1,900 (1, 2, 5, 22, 8, 11, 3%) The Go project leadership understands my needs (2.6:1) 2,114 (2, 4, 6, 18, 10, 14, 5%) I feel comfortable approaching the Go project leadership with questions and feedback (2.2:1) 2,374 (1, 1, 3, 12, 9, 24, 15%) I am confident in the leadership of Go (9.0:1)

What is the biggest challenge facing the Go project today? 71 (2.0%) community 68 (1.9%) google 63 (1.8%) generics 62 (1.7%) management 49 (1.4%) adoption 45 (1.3%) lack 43 (1.2%) features 43 (1.2%) people 40 (1.1%) dependency management 37 (1.0%) java 32 (0.9%) languages 31 (0.9%) keeping 29 (0.8%) c 27 (0.8%) developers 27 (0.8%) leadership 24 (0.7%) good 24 (0.7%) libraries 24 (0.7%) package 23 (0.6%) simple 21 (0.6%) core 21 (0.6%) feature 20 (0.6%) programming 20 (0.6%) team 2,771 (77.1%) No response


在调查结束时,我们提出了一些人口统计学问题。回复的国家/地区分布大致与 golang.org 网站访问量的国家/地区分布相匹配,但回复中低估了一些亚洲国家。特别是,印度、中国和日本在 2016 年分别占 golang.org 网站访问量的约 5%,但在调查回复中分别仅占 3%、2% 和 1%。

社区的重要组成部分是让每个人都感到受欢迎,尤其是来自弱势群体的群体。我们提出了一个关于在一些多元化群体中进行身份识别的可选问题。37% 的受访者留空了该问题,12% 的受访者选择了“我宁愿不回答”,因此我们无法从数据中得出许多广泛的结论。但是,有一项对比很突出:9% 认为自己是弱势群体的受访者同意“我在 Go 社区中感到受欢迎”的比率为 7.5:1,而整个调查的比率为 15:1。我们的目标是让 Go 社区更加欢迎所有人。我们支持并鼓励 GoBridge 和 Women Who Go 等组织的努力。

调查的最后一个问题只是为了娱乐:你最喜欢的 Go 关键字是什么?也许并不奇怪,最受欢迎的回复是 go,其次是 deferfuncinterfaceselect

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: (strongly disagree, disagree, somewhat disagree, neutral, somewhat agree, agree, strongly agree) 2,701 (1, 1, 2, 11, 10, 31, 19%) I feel welcome in the Go community. (15:1)

What changes would make the Go community more welcoming? 115 (3.2%) community 52 (1.4%) people 32 (0.9%) r/golang 31 (0.9%) go community 30 (0.8%) google 30 (0.8%) reddit 24 (0.7%) welcoming 23 (0.6%) official 23 (0.6%) open 22 (0.6%) code of conduct 21 (0.6%) golang 21 (0.6%) team 3,017 (83.9%) No response

In which country do you currently reside? (single choice) 928 (26%) United States of America 253  (7%) Germany 168  (5%) United Kingdom 148  (4%) Russia 119  (3%) France 112  (3%) Canada 91  (3%) India 73  (2%) China 72  (2%) Australia 55  (2%) Netherlands 54  (2%) Spain 45  (1%) Sweden 43  (1%) Poland 40  (1%) Italy 36  (1%) Brazil 36  (1%) Switzerland 35  (1%) Ukraine 27  (1%) Japan 24  (1%) Czech Republic 23  (1%) Belgium 441 (12%) Other 772 (21%) No response

We want the Go community to be inclusive; we want to see how we're doing and how to improve. Please select the groups you identify with: (multiple choice) 1,499 (42%) I do not identify as part of an underrepresented group 438 (12%) I prefer not to answer 101  (3%) I identify as LGBTQIA 95  (3%) I identify as ethnically or racially underrepresented 77  (2%) I identify as neurodiverse or as having a disability 49  (1%) I identify as a woman 47  (1%) Write-in: objection to the question. 38  (1%) I identify as part of an underrepresented group, but I prefer not to specify 34  (1%) I identify with an underrepresented group not listed. 1,332 (37%) No response

Just for fun: What is your favorite Go keyword? 854 (24%) go 455 (13%) defer 253  (7%) func 240  (7%) select 227  (6%) interface 145  (4%) struct 139  (4%) chan 129  (4%) range 67  (2%) fallthrough 56  (2%) switch 53  (1%) for 48  (1%) type 47  (1%) map 44  (1%) goto 36  (1%) import 22  (1%) if 20  (1%) package 19  (1%) var 17  (0%) const 14  (0%) continue 13  (0%) return 12  (0%) break 3  (0%) else 2  (0%) case 2  (0%) default 678 (19%) No response

Is there anything else you would like to share with us? 95 (2.6%) thanks 94 (2.6%) great 86 (2.4%) thank you 47 (1.3%) keep up the good work 47 (1.3%) programming 43 (1.2%) community 39 (1.1%) c 37 (1.0%) awesome 33 (0.9%) i love 31 (0.9%) people 29 (0.8%) golang 27 (0.8%) great work 27 (0.8%) java 27 (0.8%) languages 26 (0.7%) fun 26 (0.7%) job 26 (0.7%) time 25 (0.7%) love go 24 (0.7%) generics 24 (0.7%) team 23 (0.6%) projects 22 (0.6%) best 22 (0.6%) wish 22 (0.6%) years 21 (0.6%) simple 2,886 (80.3%) No response

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